Raising a Muslim Child – by Mirza Yawar Baig
I believe that parenting is a serious job which must be undertaken consciously; clearly understanding what it entails. Children have a right to have good parents who can be role models for them and who can not only teach them the tools to succeed in this life, but also to take from the treasures of Allah and succeed in the life to come. Whether you like it or not, you are your child’s role model. Your choice is to decide what kind of role model you want to be – one that they can look up to or one that they have to look down on. Children listen with their eyes. They don’t care what you say until they see what you do. Today, young Muslim parents are anxious to ensure that their children are brought up as practicing Muslims and are a credit to themselves and their parents. This little book is a consolidation of all the things that I have said to people in answer to their questions.